Five Barriers to Transfer for California Students: Why Coordination Is the Path Forward

Transfer has the potential to improve racial equity gains in student higher education access and success. However, far too many transfer-intending students never realize that goal. Understanding the barriers that students face and how they are truly systemic will allow for crafting solutions that address those challenges. In collaboration with the Foundation for California Community Colleges Success Center and with support from the College Futures Foundation, the Chancellor’s Office has produced an interactive experience that leverages the latest data and research on transfer to break down the challenges students face during their transfer journey into five systemic barriers.  

California Community Colleges is excited to launch, “Five Barriers to Transfer for California Students: Why Coordination Is the Path Forward”, which includes an Executive Summary (PDF) and Five Barriers to Transfer Resource Guide (PDF).

If you have any questions, please contact Kim Anderson, Visiting Administrator of Transfer, Curriculum, and Intersegmental Coordination, at