Transfer Counselor Website
The Transfer Counselor Website (TCW) was created in 2007. It is designed for California Community College (CCC) Counselors who assist prospective transfer students from the CCC system. The TCW contains transfer information for all schools in the CCC, California State University (CSU), University of California (UC), and Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU) system. It also contains specific information regarding the CCC partnership with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other public and private colleges and universities throughout the United States. The TCW is grant funded by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.
In 2023, Chabot-Las Positas Community College District became the project leaders for this grant, undertaking a revitalization and intersegmental look into the impact of the TCW. Through focus groups, feedback, and advisory committees, the TCW has been redesigned to better faciliate the time a transfer counselor spends with a student. To best address and focus the direction of the TCW, an Advisory Committee was created with members representing a large spectrum of geographical locations and academic positions.
24-25 Advisory Committee
Melissa Chavez (UCOP), Lezra Chenportillo, M.Ed. (San Jose City College), Theresa Fleischer-Rowland, Ed.D. (Chabot-Las Positas CCD), April Grommo, Ed.D. (CSU Office of the Chancellor), Kyle Johnson (UC Davis), Brittany Lundeen (Cerritos College), Mariana Macamay (Crafton Hills College), Sean Madden (CCCCO), Danyelle Okamoto (AICCU), David Reed (Chabot-Las Positas CCD), Michael Schwarz (Las Positas College), Jessica Shadrick (Fresno City College), and Dr. Helen Young (CCCCO and El Camino College).
23-24 Advisory Committee
Laura Amescua (UCOP), Lezra Chenportillo, M.Ed. (San Jose City College, Theresa Fleischer-Rowland, Ed.D. (Chabot-Las Positas CCD), April Grommo, Ed.D. (CSU Office of the Chancellor), Kyle Johnson (UC Davis), Brittany Lundeen (Cerritos College), Mariana Macamay (Crafton Hills College), Sean Madden (CCCCO), Danyelle Okamoto (AICCU), David Reed (Chabot-Las Positas CCD), Michael Schwarz (Las Positas College), and Dr. Helen Young (CCCCO and El Camino College).
Taylor denBroeder - Grant Project Coordinator
Chabot-Las Positas Community College District